A different kind of Eid
2016? Kudos to my first post. (Hehe!)
Basically after some time, just feel like post something from our lebaran moment this year.
YEAP. It's really different after Arwah Tok takda. Apa yang lebih lain sebab every year semua anak-anak saudara Atok akan datang ziarah on raya pertama because she's the only one left out of her 6 siblings. This year it's totally change. Betullah orang cakap bila someone dah pergi , whoever left either lebih merapatkan atau menjauhkan bonding. It's your choice, but Insya Allah I really hope all of us going good with each other.
Memandangkan aku terpaksa kerja utk raya pertama, our family decided to go somewhere over for vacation on day 2 EId alang- alang ada event dengan anak jiran kitorang. I can call it's an escape? To wrap things up, kami 3 family konvoi ke Cameron Highlands. Quite tiring since I was on full shift the first eid dan bertolak dari JB pukul 2.30 pagi malam tu! Tapi takyah gelabah lebih it's not you who drive pun~~ My excitement has put me wide awake and some tidur - tidur ayam along the journey and we stopped at RNR Tapah for breakfast around 9 a.m.
so breath taking :* |
Cakes and pies at Sungai Palas Boh's Plantation |
Alhamdulillah for this little time walaupun cuti tak lah lama. Sempat aje singgah balik kampung after the vacay. Something out of norm but worth the time spent. Workloads put me on so much stress nowadays but grrrr. still there though. Sabr.
- Al Fatihah Nenda Almarhumah Hjh Jamaliah Abd. Kadir. Imissyou -